
The Most Stressed Cities Ranking

Stress can be caused by a multitude of different things, from long commutes to and from work at busy times, to long working hours and slow internet speeds. These are just some of the things that can contribute to a stressful life, but when it comes to stress, which cities are leading the most stressful lives?


We’ve taken a look at the world’s most stressed cities, by analysing metrics such as commute time, cost of living, internet speed, working hours, and search volume for terms relating to stress reduction.

Panama comes out as the most stressed city in the world with a score of 66.4 out of 100. The average commute time in this city is 120 minutes, internet speeds are as low as 17.31 MB/s and the yearly working hours are at 2,140. 

Mumbai is the second most stressed city in the world with the average monthly cost of living costing around £715.60, including rent. Internet speed is very slow in Mumbai as well with only 17.39 MB/s and yearly working hours are a staggering 3,315 hours.

The Cities with the Longest Commute Times

When it comes to commute times, these really differ across the world. Panama is the city with the longest commute time of 120 minutes. That’s 2 hours every day travelling from their home into their workplaces and back.

Jakarta in Indonesia is the city with the second-longest commute of 71 minutes and Instabul comes third with a commute time of 68 minutes. 

Find out the top 5 cities with the longest commutes below:


Commute Time (mins)







Mexico City





The Cities with the Slowest Internet Speeds

Slow internet speed can be a very frustrating and annoying problem, but it can also reduce your productivity, impacting your work and personal life. 

So when it comes to poor internet speed, which cities have it the worst? 

The capital of Kenya, Nairobi is the city with the slowest internet speed, of just 6.32 MB/s, almost 10 times slower than that of Johannesburg which sits in second place for slow internet with a speed of 15.05 MB/s. 

Istanbul is the city with the third slowest internet of just 15.26 MB/s. 

Here are the top 5 cities with the slowest internet:


Internet Speed (Mb/s)












Leading a stressful life can have an impact on your mental and physical health, that’s why we think it’s so important to try and reduce stress as much as you can. We have a range of products that can help reduce stress and anxiety including CBD oil, stress balance capsules, and stress relief capsules.


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