

Herbal teas have been used for centuries due to their numerous physical and mental health benefits. In recent years, UK CBD tea and CBD coffee have gained popularity as people seek the added benefits of CBD. Combining the relaxing and uplifting properties of both CBD and warm herbal tea creates a powerful combination that can be enjoyed daily.

The Benefits of CBD Tea

Discover amazing UK CBD tea benefits – our tea is a delicious and natural alternative to the UK CBD oil and CBD gummies we offer! Whether you want to kickstart your day with a cup of CBD-infused tea or unwind after a busy day with a relaxing blend, CBD teas are the perfect choice for a soothing and tasty experience.

Not only does our tea offer a warm and comforting beverage, but it may also help alleviate a wide range of health conditions without the use of harsh pain medication. Here are just a few CBD tea benefits:

  1. Reduce stress and anxiety with the calming effects of CBD, which may help lower blood pressure and boost your mood. Incorporating CBD teas into your daily routine may help you stay calm and in control, no matter what life throws your way.
  2. Alleviate chronic headaches with the natural goodness found in CBD teas. The combination of natural ingredients and CBD may help ease tension and provide much-needed relief from ongoing pain.
  3. Combat insomnia and improve sleep quality with the relaxing effects of our tea. Enjoy a cup before bedtime to relax your body and mind and drift off into a restful and rejuvenating sleep.
  4. Manage chronic pain conditions with the pain-blocking and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. Our tea may provide daily relief for ongoing discomfort, helping you get back to enjoying life to the fullest.

Experience the natural benefits of CBD teas today and discover a delicious and soothing way to enhance your overall well-being.

How to Include CBD Tea in Your Daily Routine

At Eden's Gate, we believe that incorporating CBD teas into your daily routine is an excellent way to enjoy the natural benefits of CBD while also indulging in a delicious cup of tea. We offer a wide selection of top-quality CBD teas from the leading brands in the industry, so you can be confident that you're getting the best products available.

With exciting new flavours and aromas such as turmeric and ginger, green tea, and matcha green tea, there's a tea to suit everyone's taste buds. Our carefully crafted blends are bursting with flavour and natural ingredients, providing you with a plethora of antioxidants and digestion aids that will leave you feeling invigorated and energised.

Learning how to make CBD tea is incredibly easy and convenient. Simply add a tea bag to your mug and fill it up with boiling water, just like you would with a regular cup of tea. Our CBD teas are specially processed to ensure that the CBD is extracted into your drink, releasing the full effects of this incredible natural compound.

What Makes Eden’s Gate CBD Teas So Good

One thing that sets our CBD teas apart is the variety of unique and delicious flavours we offer. From our classic peppermint and chamomile to more adventurous options like turmeric and ginger, there's a flavour to suit every taste preference.

We also prioritise quality and purity in our products. All of our CBD teas undergo rigorous third-party lab testing to ensure that they contain no harmful additives or contaminants. We use only premium CBD isolate in our teas, which means that you're getting pure CBD without any unwanted THC or other cannabinoids.

In addition to being delicious and high-quality, our CBD teas offer a range of benefits. CBD has been shown to help alleviate anxiety and stress, reduce inflammation, and promote better sleep. By incorporating CBD teas into your daily routine, you can enjoy these benefits while indulging in a comforting and soothing beverage.

Methods of Making CBD Tea

There are several methods for making CBD teas, but the most common one involves using CBD-infused tea bags. Simply add the tea bag to a cup of hot water, steep for a few minutes, and enjoy.

If you prefer loose leaf tea, you can add CBD-infused honey or butter to your tea for an added CBD boost. It's important to note that CBD is sensitive to high temperatures, so it's best to avoid boiling water and instead use water that has cooled slightly before steeping your tea.

Another method is to use CBD oil or tincture and add it to your tea but be aware that oil and water do not mix well, so they may not be as effective. CBD oil tinctures often contain fat, like Hemp seed oil or MCT Coconut oil, which doesn't mix well with water. This can cause the oil to float on the surface of your tea and reduce the amount of CBD your body absorbs, making it less effective. Adding milk or cream to the tea can help, but it's still best to use tea bags from reputable suppliers for the best results.

Experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for you and enjoy the calming effects of our tea.

Hemp Tea & Hemp Tea Bags

CBD Hemp Tea is made from the stalk and leaves of the hemp plant and is ground to a granular form that can be used to make tea bags or loose leaf strainers. Hemp tea contains cannabinoids, including CBD, which is found in the leaves of the hemp plant. On the other hand, CBD teas can be produced by infusing water with concentrated soluble CBD and dosing it into each tea bag. This means that the CBD has already been extracted from the hemp plant and infused with the tea, without using the Hemp flower in the production process.

At Eden's Gate, we offer both options to our customers. For instance, you can purchase our CBD Chamomile Tea, which is a high-quality chamomile leaf infused with water-soluble CBD, providing the health benefits of CBD tea without altering the taste of chamomile tea by including Hemp flowers. Alternatively, you can also purchase CBD Hemp Flower Chamomile Tea, which includes chamomile flower, water-soluble CBD, and the added benefit of hemp flower in the infusion. This option is perfect for those who desire the maximum benefits of CBD and don't mind the taste of hemp.

Try CBD Tea UK

When it comes to buying CBD teas, the user's preference plays a crucial role. The question to ask is whether the original flavour of the herbal tea is desired.

For maximum CBD effects, choose a CBD Hemp Flower Herbal Tea infused with both CBD concentrate and hemp leaf to get the best number of bioavailable cannabinoids. Pure CBD teas are perfect for tea connoisseurs who enjoy the flavour of their chosen herbal teas.

Regardless, adding our tea to your daily health routine is an excellent way to explore the benefits of CBD. Contact us today to discuss CBD tea, and our friendly staff will always be there to assist you.

CBD Tea Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Use CBD Tea Bags?

Tea bags offer a more efficient and enjoyable way to consume CBD compared to other methods, such as diluting CBD oil into a regular cup of tea. Unlike diluted CBD oil, which is known to separate, our specialised tea bags can be used just like any other tea bag, allowing you to brew and savour the delicious flavours at any time of the day.

Will I Get Stronger Results from CBD Oil Than CBD Tea UK?

Many people mistakenly believe that CBD tea is a less potent alternative to traditional CBD products. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, when you drink CBD teas, you actually consume a higher amount of CBD than you would by using CBD oil under your tongue. To experience even more benefits, consider choosing a higher dosage that aligns with your personal needs and tolerance levels.

Does CBD Tea Taste Good?

Our team works hard to perfect our tea recipes, allowing you to sit back and unwind with a delicious cup of UK CBD tea. Don't let the idea of CBD impacting the taste deter you, as our carefully crafted blends feature a range of tasty ingredients that overshadow any CBD taste. We offer a diverse range of tea bags to suit every palate, from classic peppermint or chamomile to more unique options like matcha green and hemp leaf.

Can I Improve My Anxiety with CBD Tea?

Indulging in the cosy comforts of home with a hot cup of tea and your favourite book or TV show is already fantastic for your mind, but incorporating CBD teas can further soothe your body and alleviate your symptoms. While CBD is a go-to option for managing anxiety and stress, selecting tea over other traditional formats offers additional benefits from the blend of natural ingredients, allowing you to achieve a deeper level of relaxation.

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8 products
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